Channel: SmashweRx
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Description: It’s not your hamstrings, the more that you stretch them the worse they’ll get. . I had a hamstring blowout quite a while back and it just wouldn’t heal up. I swore that it was torn. . My hamstrings were always tight, my hips were always tight, and they were relentless. . First off, the worst injury is a pulled hamstring, because you’ll instantly become limited in virtually everything that you do, including SLEEP! . Good news is that you don’t have a hamstring problem, you have a hip flexor problem. And that’s why they keep blowing out and never loosen up. . Step one...stop stretching your hamstrings. Step two...follow everything I’m telling you to do. . Hamstrings are chronically trained outside of their designed movement, which means that the moment that you recruit them for FUNCTION, you end up with an injury. . Hamstrings provide massive amounts of hip extension and yet are constantly trained for knee flexion. Compound that with weak and tight hip flexors and your likely hood of successfully getting them to loosen up dwindles...and your chance of injury skyrockets. . I get it, you’re always stretching them, and they never loosen up. It’s because by stretching them without handling the entire system, you feed more slack into the hip flexors allowing them to pull the hips even further into anterior tilt. . Add the fact that the hip flexors are also most likely incredibly weak, and you’re an injury triple threat. . It’s ok, I’ve got you covered. . This is a full video explanation about everything that you need to get hamstrings loose enough to bring your feet over your head. . 1️⃣ Functional Hamstring Extension: 3 x 20 2️⃣ Banded Hip Extension: 3 x 20 3️⃣ Perfect Hamstring Release: 2 minute hold 4️⃣ Hip Flexion (Knee Drive): 3 x 10 5️⃣ Perfect Hip Flexor Release: 2 minute hold . Do this ‘post workout’ 3 times per week and those hamstrings will be indestructible, and your hips will be pain free. . I love you guys. . Trevor B